Friday, July 28, 2006




(1996)Naming a Practice - Curatorial Strategies for the Future

(1998)Stopping the Process? Contemporary views n art and exhibitions

(2001)Words of Wisom - A curator's Vade Mecum on Contemporary Art

(2001)Foci - interviews with ten international curators

(2001)Curating Now Imaginative Practice/Public Responsibility

(2001-2002)The Producers: C0ntemporary Curators in Conversation (v.3-5)

(2003)Beyond the Box: Diverging Curatorial Practices

(2004)Men in Black - Handbook of Curatorial Practice

(2005) Ed. Liam Gillick and Maria Lind, Curating with Light Luggage

(2006) Ed. Paula Marincola, Questions of Practice - What makes a great exhibition?

(2006) Curating Immateriality

(2007)Ed. Steven Rand, Cautionary Tales: Critical Curating

() Curating Subjects


(1994) ed. Jean Fisher, Global visions - Towards a new internationalism in the visual arts

(2003) How Latitudess Become Forms - Art In A Global Age

(2004) Ed. Claire Doherty, Contemporary Art from Studio to Situation

(2006) Ed. Nina Moentmann, Art and its institutions

() Under Construction

()Hans Joachim Mueller, Harald Szeemann - Exhibition Maker


Yeung Yang, "To Curate is to take care of" (2007)



高千惠: 當代藝壇的三位一體-論藝術家,藝評人與策展人的角色重疊 (taipei moca, 2004)

吳岱融:台灣美術館中的獨立策展人現象 (aaa)

費大為:展覽和展覽策劃 (20 世紀中國美術批評文萃)



何翠芬:獨立策展在本土 (1a)

方詠甄編: ps27期

何慶基:策展人常問的問題 (wt)

何慶基:有驚無險搞展覽 (clp.hhk.06.2)

何詠思: 藝術館應如何擺展覽 (xp)

潘詩韻: 展覽的靈魂 - 策展人 (mp)

楊裕平: 策劃在於演繹,而非管理 (xp)

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